by AR15 Tactical | Oct 1, 2012 | AR-15 Technical, General |
BEST LUBRICANT for an AR15 | AR 15 Grease | AR 15 Oil BEST LUBRICANT for an AR15 – What’s the best lubricant, oil or grease for an AR15? That’s one of the questions that I am frequently asked on one of my other sites. While I cant scientifically...
by AR15 Tactical | Sep 5, 2012 | AR-15 Document Library | Download Section I often find myself scouring my hard drive for catalogs, manuals instruction sheets etc. I decided it was time to organize them in one easy to search location here at I like to save these pdf documents for current AR...
by AR15 Tactical | Sep 3, 2012 | AR-15 Document Library, AR15 Caliber Information |
300AAC BLACKOUT SPECIFICATIONS | CALIBER COMPARISONS ADVANCED ARMAMENT CORP created a pdf comparing the 300AAC BLACKOUT to other calibers as well as displaying the current REMINGTON ARMS and AAC products available to utilize the 300AAC BLACKOUT caliber. 300AAC...
by AR15 Tactical | May 30, 2012 | AR-15 Preban Info, General |
Due to several states having ASSAULT WEAPONS BANS that began before the federal ban was implemented it would be helpful to obtain further information on monufacture date versus serial number for many of the lesser know AR-15 manufacturers prior to the 1994 ASSAULT...
by AR15 Tactical | Apr 28, 2012 | AR15 Tools |
BROWNELLS AR15 ROLL PIN HOLDER PUNCH SET BROWNELLS AR15 ROLL PIN HOLDER PUNCH SET One of my pet peaves from folks who assemble their own AR15 rifles is the sloppy installation of the various roll pins the AR15 rifle requires. In all fairness there are a few roll pins...
by AR15 Tactical | Apr 22, 2012 | AR-15 Technical, AR-15 Triggers, General |
BUILDING AN AR15 | PRIORITIES PART 1 | AR15 TRIGGERS In the half-dozen or so years I have been operating firearms oriented websites and forums I have noticed certain trends with shooters building and upgrading their AR15 and M4 platform weapons. Very often appearance...