It’s taken a few months but these two pistol caliber 9mm and .45acp AR15 rifles are nearing completion. The 9mm AR15 shown directly below is was built from a CMMG factory dedicated 9mm upper, PWA lower, Magpul Foliage Green Furniture, Colt 9mm Magazine, Geissele Trigger, Hahn Precision 9mm Conversion Block , KNS Anti Rotation Pins, Colt H2 Buffer, Armalite M15 Buffer Spring, YHM QD Flash Hider for a YHM 9mm Wraith Silencer. Not shown is the Silencer and a Magpul Foliage Green MBUS 2 Rear Sight.
For more specific details and pictures of this build view the project page here.
The .45acp AR15 directly below shares a some similarities to the 9mm AR15 above in that it too uses nearly identical Magpul furniture. The difference being Flat Dark Earth (FDE). The lower is an old Olympic Arms “Stop Sign” Lower Receiver matched with a new Olympic Arms dedicated .45acp Upper Receiver. This project also utilizes a Geissele Trigger and a YHM QD Flash Hider for a YHM .45acp Wraith Silencer. Notable differences are Battle Arms Development FDE Ambi Safety, Heavy Buffers .45 Buffer
For more specific details and pictures of this build view the project page here.
.45acp AR15